Publié le 13 décembre 2005 - Par Frédéric Guégan

Les International iTV Awards soutenus par le MEDIA CLUB pendant le MIP TV 2006

Le MEDIA CLUB est partenaire des International ITV Awards 2006 qui se tiendra pendant le MIP TV à Cannes.

Cet évènement qui a lieu pour la 4eme fois est le seul et unique évènement rassemblant toutes les catégories de formats de télévision interactive.

Le MEDIA CLUB a souhaité s’associer à cette institution et vous incite à participer à cet évènement imité mais jamais égalé!

{{International Interactive TV Awards” 2006 competition
is now opened}}

AFDESI is announcing the fourth edition of the o­nly international ITV competition: the « International ITV Awards 2006. » After its 4 years of ever increasing success, AFDESI is now partnering with Tracy Swedlow’ [itvt] to create a special [itvt]prize for a “European ITV leader” which will be given during the ceremony at MIP TV.

The Awards ceremony will be held during MIP TV industry events, at the Grand Hotel Majestic, o­n the 4th of April 2006 in Cannes, France. ITV Awards will recognize the best entrants in eleven different award categories:

-Jury “Grand Prix”

-[itvt] European Prize

-Call TV

-ITV service o­n Mobile

-Innovation and Technology

-Design and graphics

-Stand alone services

-Enhanced television services

-Advertising, Marketing, T-Commerce

-Games, Betting and Gambling

-Best ITV audiovisual work

Winners will receive a special trophy designed by Stack

The International ITV Awards are opened to all companies (operators, broadcasters, developers, publishers,…) who were involved in a live interactive television service during the year 2005 (up to March 2005), or are involved in the production of a concept (for the innovation category and creative ITV audiovisual works). The competition has grown to incorporate all new formats of television interactivity, through remote control, fixed and mobile phone.

Competition registration is available o­n line o­n the AFDESI website (

The closing date for entering the Awards is 14th January 2006.

As usual, the ceremony of the 2005 international iTV awards gathered all the players in the interactive TV domain.


The French Association for Interactive Television in a non-profit organization for the purpose of promoting the interactive TV industry (on satellite, cable, terrestrial, ADSL…). Most players are already part of AFDESI.

AFDESI’s mission is to help the ITV industry continue to grow and evolve by providing information about the industry, as well as working with governmental bodies for the benefit of its members. AFDESI facilitates the exchange of information through conferences, seminars and other events, such as the ITV Awards.

Please contact Jean Dacie, General Delegate of AFDESI, for further information.(Email: or telephone: +33 6 18 96 09 41

About [itvt]

Founded in 1998 by Tracy Swedlow, InteractiveTV Today [itvt] ( is the most widely read and trusted news source o­n the rapidly emerging medium of interactive television (ITV). [itvt] provides concise, original coverage of industry developments, technologies, content projects, and the people building the business. Its readership is made up of around 60,000 executives in over 150 countries. It offers news coverage, features and interviews via its flagship email newsletter (subscribe at, RSS feeds (subscribe at, and its recently launched news blog ( [itvt] also produces conferences and special events, such as its highly regarded Annual Awards for Leadership in Interactive Television, and provides the industry with a variety of research and consulting services. In the coming months, [itvt] will launch a multimedia research portal o­n the Web.

For US-based applicants wishing more information o­n affiliation and participation, please Contact: iTV Alliance International Chairman, Allan McLennan. Email: or telephone +1 415 383 8397 in the USA.

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